Hokkaido AcademyLet's go with Easy Go! To the unseen world...Student Application{{• The PrinciplesI can hear your voice that's slipping into the crowdFirst Name: Wilhelm
Middle Name: *Kein*
Last Name: Heller
Nickname(s): Heinrich
Age: 20
Birthday: April 4th
Race: Dellan. Dellans are a race of pale skinned humans. While not stronger physically, they are a foot taller than the average human male.
Element: Dellan's don't have elemental powers
{{• The ProficiencyI'm searching for the the map of the future in the center of the intersectionSpecial Ability: Brief premenitions
- Explanation & Limits of Gift:
Can only happen when sleeping, they don't happen often
Weapon: Restored flintlock pistol named Rose
Flintlock pistols are one shot reload pistols.
{{• The PresenceI believed in dreams always coming true on the other side of the sky!{{• The PersonaWhat is there beyond the night? There are times filled with anxietyGeneral Attitude/Personality: A bit socially akward
Goals: Help restore parts of his home world that had been devasted in a firey conflict, after completing his time at Hokkaido
Likes: Planetary travel, compositions, tearing apart aircraft to see how they work.
Dislikes: Milk
Bad Habits: Stuttering, tapping his foot at any given moment.
Fears: Procellia, pro-humans (Both original races by me)
Other: *Maybe something later on
{{• The PastEven if it's impossible, if we don't do anything, it will stay zeroParents: Siblings: None
History: Who did you PM?: Hard to PM a mod when the site has pretty much been hit by a nuclear bomb