Name: Dagger Tooth
Technique: ???
Stamina Required: no stamina required
HP Deduction: -5 for each attack
Description: The tooth dagger is as big as her forarm and is thick and sharp, there is a swirl design on both sides of the Dagger, The dagger cannot hold her element or anything, It is old and it is a rare Dagger, there are only a couple left. The dagger is nothing special but to Christina it is everything. The dagger is called what is beacse it is long and sharp like her kinds teeth so they named it that and becase when mad it was said to be easy to chew through most things.
Advantages: It can be used through time travel
Disadvantages: It is a normal dagger and can be used against you, also the dagger is usaully taken by humans and used by them that it can be broken because the elements that used to be in it burned out because of human....
Name: Time Travel
Technique: Use to go to anytime or year that your at.. ex. if you are in the meadow and you want to see it before it was made... it would have to be in the 33 or 30 year limit... you could use time travel to see.
Stamina Required: -25 Intelligence
HP Deduction: -0
Description: Time Travel like i said up there can be used to see what you want or to get away. when Christina uses it she see's the diffrent colors of the rainbow and she hears a rushing sound like waves hitting the rocks things. she can also take people with her.
Advantages: She gets to basically go where she wants or she can trap people with it.
Disadvantages: Takes alot of power and energy sometimes, she has to picture the time and year to go where she is wanting to go, if not she would be stuck in the inbetween, also if to leave someone there would take her going with them and then trying to leave with out them.