Remilia Admin
Chinese Symbol : Posts : 3911 Points : 2755 Join date : 2009-02-01 Age : 29 Location : 心臓
Character sheet Strength : (122/1000) Intelligence: (146/1000) HP: (162/1000)
| Subject: Banishment/Suspension System [9/25/09] Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:39 pm | |
- Spoiler:
GENERAL Every site has itssystem of Justice but to make it clearer to you [members], I’d like tointroduce to you the Banishment/Suspension System. This system was designed toyou show you the consequences that you could receive if minor or major rulesare broken. Some rules are taken more seriously than others
SEXUAL/MATURE CONTENT Complete Rule- Spoiler:
2. Please keep everything PG-13 meaning nothing sexual or overly violent.
Sexual Content: This site will not tolerate any sort of inappropriate affection towards another member. We will allow members to have an online relationship but Hokkaido Academy will not take part or responsibility of that relationship if any conflict would occur [ex. meeting online and then real life]. We will allow small signs of affection such as kissing and hugging and hand-holding. However, we do not allow extreme Cybering such as online sex. We don't want to see any online stripping either (i.e. under dressing). If you have any mature sexual content, please keep it in PM's or outside of Hokkaido Academy so you do not disturb the members of this site and so we do not receive any complaints. Signatures and avatars that underdressed (i.e. Shows undergarments, little to no clothing, anything that has the private areas showing in a very inappropriate manner.). This goes for guys too. If we find something wrong with your signature, we will count that as 1/2 of 1 warning. Please use common sense, if you feel as though your signature might not be suitable for this forum; please contact either Remilia or Suzumi about that. We do not (obviously) allow online rape and pregnancies. This is an Anime High School Role-Playing Game Site. Each member is supposedly all in high school. Hokkaido Academy does not support teenage pregnancies or any form of rape. Advertisements of pornography will not be tolerated either. Any form of pornography will be deleted and your account will be banned.
Violent Content: This site will have many battles and action so there will be violent content that might not be suitable for all ages. If you have anything overly bloody and includes gore, please put [M] in bold meaning MATURE, so viewers will be warned not to read if they choose to. You may also use a spoiler. According to RuleG2 [General Rule 2], we’d like to keep things at a PG-13 level, here are theconsequences for breaking the rule
Overly Mature Signs of Affection
Rule- Spoiler:
We will allow members to have an online relationship but Hokkaido Academy will not take part or responsibility of that relationship if any conflict would occur [ex. meeting online and then real life]. We will allow small signs of affection such as kissing and hugging and hand-holding. However, we do not allow extreme Cybering such as online sex. We don't want to see any online stripping either (i.e. under dressing). If you have any mature sexual content, please keep it in PM's or outside of Hokkaido Academy so you do not disturb the members of this site and so we do not receive any complaints. Ex. Cybering[Online Sex], RPG Pregnancies, RPG Stripping
First offense: Suspension of 1 week Second offense: Suspension of 3 weeks Third Offense: [Will be determined by staff members]
Additional Note:We’d like you to use common sense when being in an online relationship. We havesome younger members on the site that might feel uncomfortable when readingsome of the content so again, please use common sense.
Inappropriate Signatures Rule- Spoiler:
Signatures and avatars that under dressed (i.e. Shows undergarments, little to no clothing, anything that has the private areas showing in a very inappropriate manner.). This goes for guys too. If we find something wrong with your signature, we will count that as 1/2 of 1 warning. Please use common sense, if you feel as though your signature might not be suitable for this forum; please contact either Remilia or Suzumi about that. Ex. Signatures/Avatars that show undergarments, little to noclothing, anything that has the private areas showing in a very inappropriatemanner.½ warning Additional Note: This too also requires common sense. Like therule stated above, if you are unsure if your signature/avatar is safe, please askan admin for your consent. Advertisements of Pornography
Rule - Spoiler:
Advertisements of pornography will not be tolerated either. Any form of pornography will be deleted and your account will be banned. Ex. Spamming the site of Pornography, sending links to porn websites, etc.
Permanent Ban
Additional Note:This rule is taken seriously, if it is broken, it shows that you have no respectfor the members around you. Rules clearly state nothing over PG-13. It’s highlyinappropriate and if you wish to do such a thing, don’t do it at HokkaidoAcademy but a site more appropriate for that topic. Mature rated Violence
Rule- Spoiler:
Violent Content: This site will have many battles and action so there will be violent content that might not be suitable for all ages. If you have anything overly bloody and includes gore, please put [M] in bold meaning MATURE, so viewers will be warned not to read if they choose to. You may also use a spoiler. Ex. [Any materialthat includes gore or overly bloody actions]½ warning
Additional Note:This rule isn’t taken way too seriously because when fighting in RPG, we knowthat there can be some scenes that could overly violent. All we ask you is toput it in a spoiler or put [M] in bold so people will known that it might be a littletoo mature. That way, they’ll get a sign stating not to read it. If that signis up and the other member reads it, they cannot report it because they choseto read it. However, if it includes godmodding material, we will speak to themember and that will be counted for as another punishment.
3. DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR OWN ROLE-PLAYING FORUM ON HOKKAIDO ACADEMY. This is a rule that is taken very seriously. Do not make topics about your own site and do not Private Message (PM) multiple times Any about your site. Any sort of "illegal" advertisement is not acceptable. Please tell a Moderator or Admin if anyone breaks this rule. Any form of advertisement for another forum is strictly forbidden. If you wish to advertise a site such as, that is perfectly fine but any sort of other RPG forum will not be accepted. Ex. Making topics about your site forum, PMing members aboutyour site forum, etc.First offense: PM banned, 1 warning Second offense: Suspension of 2 weeks, 1 warning Third offense: Suspension of 6 weeks Fourth offense: [Consequence may vary. Punishment will be discussed with administrator.]
Additional Note: We do allow site advertisement but the onlyform of advertisement is if you affiliate with us. Affiliates are collaborationsbetween two sites where they exchange links to their sites. Here is the bannerfor H.A.’s (Hokkaido Academy’s) affiliate banner. You are allowed to be anyrank and advertise with us as long as your website as a minimum of 100 members. MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS
Rule - Spoiler:
2. Please do not make multiple accounts. All the administrators have access to look at your IP address so all Admins will be able to see how many accounts you have created and which ones you created. If you have a family member sharing a computer, we will allow that but we will ask you for hard proof before you can do that. Please consult with Remilia or Suzumi if you have a problem with a sibling being on the same computer. You can take as much time to give us proof that you aren’t. If you are unsure of how to provide proof, please consult with Remilia or Suzumi if again you have any questions. If you have a reason for making multiple accounts, please PM a Moderator or Admin beforehand and present a good reason for it. If we approve of it, we will give you one week trial on that accounts and if we find nothing wrong with it, you may keep it. However, if you do not tell us, we will have to talk to you about it. A Moderator (Remilia or Suzumi) will deal with multiple accounts so if you have any questions about this topic, please see her. First offense: ½ warning
Second offense: 1 warning Thrid Offense: [Will be determined by staff members]
Additional Note: Hokkaido Academy only allows one account peruser but if you have a sibling, please tell us. If you do not tell us, we’llcount it as an offense. We have a reason to suspect you but you are more thanwelcome to explain your side of the topic as long as you keep it in areasonable Manner. We will ask for some sort of proof sometimes if you’recurrent RPG record isn’t “clean”, meaning, you’re respectable of members andfollow the rules. If you have a reason for another account, please consult itwith us. You can make another account if you have permission to become ateacher or, if it’ll serve significance to any upcoming plotlines.
GodmoddingComplete Rule- Spoiler:
4. No Godmoding. If you choose to have a weapon, please do not have a “Godmoding” weapon (ex. Laser Beam Gun). The Moderators and Admins willlook at your weapons and if we find it to be Godmoding please do not complainor you will receive ½ of a warning. Godmoding is prohibited and unacceptable.This goes for techniques as well. A Moderator or Admin will have the right todeny a technique you post on the Weapons/ Techniques section of the CharacterInformation Topic. They will put either “Unapproved or Godmoding” if they finda technique to be unfair and unreasonable. 4a. To prevent godmoding on Hokkaido Academy, we'vedecided that "Killing" Techniques will not be allowed on the siteanymore. The reason is, because it's is unfair to our junior members of thesite because the techniques may seem to only benefit the higher ranked memberas well. Each member should at least get the chance to defend themselves beforehaving the possibility of being killed.4b. Also, I want to add a dose of common sense to this aswell. For our senior members, I know that maybe some of you might havetechniques that could wipe out a beginner because they're starting stats areonly 10 points per bar. Although I cannot do anything about ALL the techniquesbecause in order for this RPG to be fun, there has to be some techniques willhigh HP deduction correct? But as for our beginners and possibly our freshman,please at least allow to to have a chance to level up and get used to HokkaidoAcademy. Meaning, don't pull out a technique that would be deadly to them. Assenior members, I ask you to show more respect to the junior members and givethem a chance.Now, to prevent constant deaths, if you are going to killsomeone, please PM me [Remilia] who you're going to kill, so I can:- Keep track of your killings on my computer- And reread the battle to see if it was fair to the otherplayer.4c. I want you to know, that I will have a right todecline your death wish(es). Although, I will have the final call on the death,I will ask the other staff members on their opinions too whether they think thedeath should go on. Reason of declining might be because of an up rise ondeaths or the ranking difference. Whatever it is, we will have a right todecline it but you as the member will have the obligation to state your reasonfor why this death is necessary but only if you want. But at times, please notethat we will ask you why.[Godmoding- (v.) a term used in role-playing games todescribe two behaviors of players. The term comes from the "god mode"found in many video games, allowing a player to activate features such asinvincibility, unlimited ammunition or lives, or similar power boosts.Godmoding is almost always frowned upon by other members of the game, becauseit is regarded as a form of cheating against the game's tacit rules.From Godmodding Weapons/TechniquesRule- Spoiler:
4. No Godmoding. If you choose to have a weapon, please do not have a “Godmoding” weapon (ex. Laser Beam Gun). The Moderators and Admins will look at your weapons and if we find it to be Godmoding please do not complain or you will receive ½ of a warning. Godmoding is prohibited and unacceptable. This goes for techniques as well. A Moderator or Admin will have the right to deny a technique you post on the Weapons/ Techniques section of the Character Information Topic. They will put either “Unapproved or Godmoding” if they find a technique to be unfair and unreasonable. Ex. Laser Beam Gun
½ warning for complaining 1 warning for using unapproved weapons/techniques
Additional Note: For weapons and techniques, we’ll usually scanthem and decide if it is godmodding or not, however, if you complain about itin an inappropriate manner, we’ll count it as ½ warning and will not allow youto use the weapon/technique. If you use an unapproved weapon/technique, we’llcount it as 1 warning. Killing Techniques
Rule- Spoiler:
4a. To prevent godmodding on Hokkaido Academy, we've decided that "Killing" Techniques will not be allowed on the site anymore. The reason is, because it's is unfair to our junior members of the site because the techniques may seem to only benefit the higher ranked member as well. Each member should at least get the chance to defend themselves before having the possibility of being killed. Ex. Any technique that kills “automatically”
2 warnings
Additional Note:This is self-explanatory; just don’t make techniques that will kill right away.Illegal Deaths
Rule - Spoiler:
4c. I want you to know, that I will have a right to decline your death wish(es). Although, I will have the final call on the death, I will ask the other staff members on their opinions too whether they think the death should go on. Reason of declining might be because of an up rise on deaths or the ranking difference. Whatever it is, we will have a right to decline it but you as the member will have the obligation to state your reason for why this death is necessary but only if you want. But at times, please note that we will ask you why.
First Offense: 1 warning for not getting my consent of killing and the member will not die unless he chooses too Second Offense: Unfair Killings [HP not reduced unless it is a helped suicide], 1 warning and the member will not die.
Additional Note:Please, just PM me who you’re going to kill and make sure you send me a link tothe battle so I can determine if it’s fair or not.
2. Bullying while Role-Playing will be accepted because this is a RPG forum and things said in character do not count in Out of Character. However, if you cause a member to feel insecure and they end up messaging me, you will receive a warning. Bullying Out of Character is when someone disrespects another member out of the RPG world of Hokkaido Academy and fights with someone for an unreasonable reason.
First Offense: 1 warning, 2 day suspension, Apology to member Second Offense: 1 warning, 1 week suspension, Apology to member Third offense: 1 warning, [suspension will be determined by staff], Apology to member RPG Bullying: ½ warning
Additional Note: Most of the bullying will be counted for if itis in OOC (out of character), however, there can be cases where another membercould fill insecure in RPG as well. I advise you to just tell the person in OOCto stop their actions. I think we’ve all faced being annoying at a person’s RPGcharacter once in awhile. It’s hard to distinguish them. There was a case thatan OOC conversation was mixed up in RPG and a person was about to get killedbecause the member got mad at what was said in OOC. Even I get annoyed with RPGcharacters but again, talk it out in OOC if you are annoyed. If it cannot behandled in OOC, an admin will be involved.
3. Disrespecting an Administrator or Moderator will definitely not be accepted. If you post a comment or send a message that is disrespectful to the workers of this site, we will count that as 2 warnings. Examples of this is making rude comments about the Hokkaido Academy, making rumors about the staff of the site, stating what a “horrible” job the staff is doing at maintaining the website, etc. The staff of this site has a life outside of this site and cannot come to every single member’s needs.
First Offense: 1 warning, 2 day suspension, Apology Second Offense: 1 warning, week suspension, Apology Third Offense: [Suspension will be determined by staff members]
Additional Note: Administrators and Moderators are people aswell. Although we most of the power of the site, we’re very reasonable peopleand we try to be a democracy rather than straight out dictators. If you have aquestion, we’ll be more than happy to answer it, however, if you cannot talk tous appropriately, we’ll stop you there.
Note: 3 warnings could lead to a month or more worth of long term suspensions 12 warnings could possibly lead to permanent ban.
DISCLAIMER: This document belongs to Hokkaido Academy and Hokkaido Academy alone. All material and sources will belong to their rightful owners.
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